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late gate造句

"late gate"是什么意思  
  • A few months later gates avenue looked like a different street
  • Following the success of the first baby - shoes programs , the group was commissioned by stride rite to produce a new " toddler tech " line of baby footwear , which uses the latest gate technology and which has been a major success in the us since its launch
    紧接完成首批婴儿鞋生产订单,集团即获striderite委约生产新系列toddlertech护垫婴儿鞋。 toddlertech采用最新护垫技术,产品在美国推出以来,一直反应热烈。
  • Following the success of the first baby - shoes programs , the group was commissioned by stride rite to produce a new " toddler tech " line of baby footwear , which uses the latest gate technology and which has been a major success in the us since its launch
    紧接完成首批婴儿鞋生产订单,集团即获stride rite委约生产新系列toddler tech护垫婴儿鞋。 toddler tech采用最新护垫技术,产品在美国推出以来,一直反应热烈。
  • In this paper , research on the algorithm of complete digital if and baseband transmission system and the realization of transmitter and receiver . / 4 - dqpsk is chosen as digital modulation scheme . the scheme of demodulation is baseband differential detection . sliding correlator can realize the symbol synchronous acquisition ; early - late gate synchronizer is used to do symbol synchronous tracking
    系统的发射机选定/ 4 - dqpsk为调制方式,接收机采用基带差分解调的非相干解调方式,滑动相关器捕获发送的pn序列,早迟门同步器跟踪符号同步,使用相关器对同步后的符号进行最佳判决,并在这些算法实现的基础上,实现了直接序列扩频和解扩技术。
  • It's difficult to see late gate in a sentence. 用late gate造句挺难的
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